Veterans for Unification consists of veteran and non-veteran members of all ages and walks of life. What they have in common is that they recognize and oppose the fact that the VA has been systematically reducing veterans’ benefits and health care over the years. We recognize the need of the United States to have a VA system that cares for both present and future veterans and upholds the promises and commitments their country made to its veterans.
Our members:
- Organize and attend events & fundraisers
- Publish the newsletter
- Study and write about veteran’s issues
- Communicate with:
- Membership
- Other veteran’s groups
- Elected representatives at the federal, state and local levels
- The press and other media
Membership dues are $20 a year for Veteran and Associate (non-veteran) Members alike. All dues and donations to the Veterans for Unification are tax-deductible. All dues and fees go directly into the organization’s work for veterans. No member of VU is paid for services, although some are reimbursed for expenses.
Apply for Membership by Mail
Please complete a Membership Application Form [pdf] , and
mail to:
805 LAKE STREET #198