Japanese American Veterans’ Association (JAVA) 2021 Day of Affirmation

On July 15, 2021, at 12 noon (EST), the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA) will commemorate the second annual Day of Affirmation at the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. This date marks the 75th anniversary of President Harry S. Truman’s review of the returning 442nd Regimental Combat Team (RCT) on the White House Ellipse on July 15, 1946.

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Jesse Brown VA vaccine distribution

Jesse Brown is administering COVID-19 vaccines to Veterans who are patients of Jesse Brown who are 65 years old and older and in high-risk health categories as established by the CDC. As more doses of the vaccine becomes available, Veterans who are patients at Jesse Brown, and who are in high-risk categories, will be contacted to receive the vaccine, if they want it.

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