VU Meeting August 2019 Photos
Veterans for Unification welcomed guests Linda Chapa LaVia, Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Mark Weiman, DMD, Army Veteran, and Cynthia McKee, VSO Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. The meeting was held at the Oak Park Public Library on August 3, 2019.
VU Meeting April 2019 Photos
Veterans for Unification welcomed guest Carolina Contreras, a Department Service Officer, from the American Legion. The meeting was held at the Oak Park Public Library on April 6, 2019.
Update to Bill HR 96
HR 96 (originally HR 4556 in 2018), was introduced in the House of Representatives by Julia Brownley (D-CA) and currently has 43 cosponsors. Please see the list of cosponsors to check if your congressman has signed on. If not, take action today and Call 866-220-0044 Toll Free number to Congress.
A Forgotten Story from World War II
August 23, 2016 by Ronald Yates During my career covering war and mayhem around the planet I often came across stories that spoke to the less violent side of humanity.…